Pugtail Originals
Website: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PugtailOriginals
My Story
From Testape to Dexcom, my diabetes journey has been long and filled with challenges and new technologies. My journey started in 1972 when I was 2 years old. My parents were told that they would have to give me insulin shots and keep me on a very strict diet with absolutely no sugar. Insulin back then was around $12 a bottle. I know this because I remember my Dad complaining about how expensive it was. I am so grateful to my Mom and Dad for all they did for me and for hard choices they had to make because of my diabetes. Things were rough for diabetics back then. No diet soda at restaurants, exchange diets, HUGH needles and really no idea where your blood sugar was. A good A1C for me then was 10.
But things have gotten so much better since then. I remember my first glucose monitor back in the late 70s. It was big, expensive and not covered by insurance. My parents saved up and bought one just for a little peace of mind. It was really quite miraculous to know what your glucose was without having to go to the hospital for a blood draw.
Then came insulin pumps. My first one was in the early 90s and it was a cure as far as I was concerned. I could have a candy bar with no real repercussions. It was just amazing. It required 3 days in the hospital for intensive training. We basically had to relearn how to live and eat since really nothing was now off limits. There was much better control to be achieved, but with that came many more lows. It was a fine balance with a big learning curve. We have come along way even since then. Now we have Control-IQ and other programs that pretty much run things for us They send your pump to you in the mail and you just need to watch few quick videos and you are off and running.
Now, we all have this little black box that has become a part of us, that we keep with us 24/7. Doesn't it make sense to show it a little love and dress it up a little bit. It has been so much fun to make these pump skins in all kinds of fun designs. I can just imagine the smile on a child's face when they receive their new Lego or princess pump decal. I know I would have loved one as a child. Today, I change them weekly just to keep things fun.